‘Un Sedicesimo’는 이탈리아의 출판사 Corraini가 발행하는 디자인 프로젝트이다. 초대받은 미술가, 디자이너, 일러스트레이터 등이 16쪽의 책자를 독립적으로 기획하고 디자인한다.
Milton Glaser, Paul Cox, Helmo, Bureau Borsche 등이 참여했고, 현재(2021) 59호까지 발행되었다.
numero 59
A piece of the cosmos “Repetition” is an essential keyword in Jin & Park’s work, highlighting abstract and obsessive scenes. The repetitive movements and images of time, space, units, exercises, and structures shown through installation, videos, performance, and graphics convey a short but intense message, such as animated GIFs. This project embodies virtual installation, video, and performance work created using GIF stickers, including various devices, tools, structures, and performances designed by the artists on the social network service as a platform. www.unsedicesimo.it https://corraini.com/en/catalogue/magazines/un-sedicesimo.html Un Sedicesimo is a typographical measure: a sixteen-pages-binding, but is also a magazine! Seventeen centimetres width for twenty-four height. But it’s not a traditional magazine, it hasn’t got an editorial office nor a subject nor a fixed design. Each issue has a different author, whose job is to create a sixteen-page-long project. Artists, graphic designers, illustrators, students (why not?), writers and cooks too. Un Sedicesimo will be a different magazine each time, from the headline to the colophon. It will become a sort of gallery on paper, which proposes a new personal exhibition every two months, six times a year. In short, Un Sedicesimo is not a magazine that speaks about graphics, but one that makes graphics. Un Sedicesimo wants to cook the books, raise the projects in public, with lightness and irony.